Food = Fuel

Let’s sit back for a second and contemplate the impact that food has on our daily lives. Go ahead - take a minute and think through the foods that you’ve eaten so far today. If, as the title of this blog indiciates, food = fuel, then what type of performance are you expecting to receive based on your food choices?

Here are a few tips to put you on the right track for fueling for optimal performance:

  • Fuel early and often: Life is busy, and sometimes we wake up and hit the ground running. Forgetting to start by fueling for the day ahead is similar to driving by the gas station when your tank is empty. As stated before, life is busy, so plan ahead. Plan your morning meal the night before or have a quick go-to breakfast for those days when you are in a hurry. Check out our recipe for Overnight Oats if you are looking for inspiration.

  • Incorporate a wide variety of foods: We are creatures of habit, and it is very easy to get into the rhythm of eating the same foods over and over...and over again. By limiting yourself to a small grouping of foods, you may not receive the benefits associated with a well-rounded diet. Take a look at one of our previous blogs 7 Stress-busting Nutrition Tips to see the variety of foods listed. If this many foods can boost your mood and reduce the negative effects of stress, what results could you see by adding other high nutrient and tasty foods into your life?

  • Be Intentional: Fuel with an outcome in mind. To put this thought into practice, take mental note of what your body is telling you throughout the day. Are your feelings positive, increased energy and focus, or are you feeling sluggish or tired? Take note and be mindful of what food decisions are driving these feelings.

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