Get Your Fitness Back on Track

September is here! If you’re in the Dallas area, I’m sure that you're crossing your fingers, hoping the reprieve from 100 degree weather will stick. Other September changes are happening too, but it's just a little different this year; kids are going back to school, either in-person or virtually, sports are back, and I can’t leave out donning a mask to get your Pumpkin Spice (insert food or beverage of choice here)... Each September, a common mantra I hear is “It’s time to get back to it,” referencing exercise.  We're hearing the same message this year, except, as mentioned before, it's just a little different.

However, our approach is the same. There is no better time than now to get back into your fitness routine. If you’re like many others, that could mean that you are rebuilding from the ground up. This realization is typically met with one question. Where do I start?

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that a team of degreed fitness experts are here to help you kick start “getting back to it.” If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Today’s main message, Move More!

What a simple concept, right? But coming to the realization that purposeful movement is needed is a little different than taking action. Resolve to add three items to your to-do list each day that involve movement. Below are three items that I am resolving to add to my daily schedule this week - join me!

  • Stretch It Out: If you find yourself sitting for long periods of time, and have a few minutes to spare in your day, I would highly recommend adding stretching to your daily routine. Conveniently, Gavin has put together a 7 Minute Stretch video specifically for this purpose. Try it out and let us know what you think.

  • Track Your Steps: Here is one very simple goal. Tomorrow, take more steps than you did today…then repeat. You may find that simply being aware of your steps automatically increases your daily step count. There are many ways to track your steps, but most phones come with a pedometer installed in the health app. Join us, virtually, on September 23 for the End of Summer Scramble Virtual 5K run/walk to help boost those steps.

  • Get Outdoors: Going outside has many natural benefits and usually involves some version of physical activity. For additional details, visit our Mindset blog entry Get Outside, Move Well.

I hope this helps you take the first step towards getting back into the rhythm of your fitness routine. If you have questions, would like additional ideas, or are interested in a more in-depth game plan, we’re here to help!