Pillar Tips for Better Sleep

Who wants to take a guess at how many hours the average person spends sleeping over the course of their lives? Alright, enough suspense -  the answer is nearly 230,000 hours

It’s no secret that sleep benefits our physical and cognitive performance. Check out our blog on Sleep Data for more benefits gained by sleeping better.

With all of the time spent and all of the benefits to be gained, are you truly getting the most from your sleep? Read below for tips from our other pillars of health, Mindset, Nutrition and Movement, to see how they can positively impact your Recovery through sleep.

Mindset Tips for Quality Sleep:

  • Set a consistent time to go to bed, and stick to it. That means on weekends too!

  • Begin removing screens and dimming lights a few hours before you plan to go to bed.

  • Practice this breathing technique right before bed to relax your mind and body: 

    • 6 count inhale (through your nose)

    • 3 count hold

    • 6 count exhale (through your mouth)

    • 3 count hold…….zZzZz (I’m feeling sleepy already).

Nutrition Tips for Quality Sleep:

  • Avoid eating too close to bedtime. Schedule a consistent time for your last meal of the day, and make sure it’s a few hours prior to the time you plan to go to sleep.

  • Avoid or limit sugary, caffeinated or alcoholic beverages late at night.

  • Make sure you are adequately hydrated before going to bed.

Movements Tips for Quality Sleep:

  • Aim to complete any strenuous exercises early in the day as opposed to late at night.

  • Work relaxing Yoga, stretching or foam rolling into your winding down routine.

Now the ball is in your court, my friend. Take one or two of the suggestions from above and implement them into your daily routine. Feel free to let us know how it goes through the red contact us button on the top of your screen.