Winning Attitude

Winning - every athlete wants to achieve the goal of winning their event, but what takes place before the event is the boosting of one’s mindset of how to win. 

Every day is a chance to achieve a win.  Let us pause and reflect on that.

 Your win doesn’t have to be a major event but can be as simple as meeting a step goal, total water intake, or just being conscious of your posture.  In fact, it does not even need to be health-focused.  It can be a simple as achieving a sales goal or being prepared for plan “Z” in a project.  The idea of small wins brews positivity.  Positivity can be infectious and create a flow of progression at home and work.  One item to remember is to remain conscious of wins throughout the day.  Wins, or positive experiences, are happening all the time, but if you fail to acknowledge them, you can miss out on the effects of mindset growth.

One way to develop a winning attitude is to ask yourself at the end of the day, “What are three positives that happened today?”  Write them down to remember the moment(s).  Keep them close to your workstation or somewhere that can be a point of reference for the next day. 

Of course, negative experiences, news or failures, can be distracting but focusing on the positives and generating a list of wins keeps your mindset uplifted to enhance your day.

Here are some tips that can help develop a Winning Attitude:

1.       Believe in Yourself

  • Take the time to think that you have value and the tools to achieve goals.

2.       Separate Crisis

  • Coping with negative stress can be difficult but not allowing it to affect your workflow is a skill that starts with your mindset.

3.       Persevere

  • Failure is common and many times is a learning tool to create a stronger you.  

4.       Inspiration

  • Read about a hero of yours or ask friends or family members about their success stories. 

5.       Think Positive First

  • When a negative comment or setback arises, think positive first.  Everything is not positive but approaching life with a positive outlook helps alleviate unnecessary stress.

6.       Celebrate your win. Celebrate with others.  Post and Reflect.

  • Snap a photo, journal, and smile.