Setting Realistic Goals for 2021

Setting goals can be fun and exhilarating, especially whenever your motivation is maxed out at 100%. It’s easy to visualize and fuel success with all of that optimism. However, your motivation’s gas tank will eventually need to refuel. Be prepared to have goals attainable enough even in the hard and busy times, like during the holiday season. With the SMART acronym, it can help you consider questions that will set you up for success with your goals.

S – Is your goal specific?
A vague goal can be tough to plan out a roadmap to achieving it. Specify the details of how you plan to achieve it, what is the timeframe it will take and what steps or phases it will consist of.

M – Is your goal measurable?
Is there a specific data point that can pinpoint your success? What evidence will show you have been successful?

A – Is your goal attainable? 
Typically if you can answer the S and the M honestly, you should have an understanding if you can realistically achieve your goal. Choose a goal that is challenging but also honestly attainable. It shouldn’t require too many “what if’s” or luck.

R – Is your goal relevant?
If you have a strong WHY behind your goal, then it immediately becomes personal. If it’s personal, then you will have a strong drive through the tough and demotivated times. However, if your goal isn’t relevant enough to something in your life to you personally, then you are more likely to get sidetracked and encounter nonessential detours or obstacles along your fitness journey.

T – Is your goal timely?
All goals need a deadline, which will hold accountability to your actions and progress. If your goal is too vague with no expiration date, then procrastination becomes that much easier. As we all know, procrastination hinders success.

When planning on your health, financial or personal goals for 2021, try utilizing the SMART technique to give yourself the best chance for creating realistic goals that you can achieve - there’s no better feeling than accomplishing a challenging goal.