Alicia Kkow

Qigong Instructor



Alicia Kow is a certified Tai-Chi and Qigong instructor since 2009. For more than 15 years, she has helped hundreds of others achieve their goals in both mental and physical health by sharing her extensive training and experiences in Tai-Chi and Qigong practices. One of her students is a certified Tai-Chi instructor who teaches in Arkansas for many years. 

While she was young, she faced many challenges in her own health. Since then, she has practiced both Wu style Taijiquan and Shaolin Qigong to strengthen her immune systems for optimal health. She is very grateful for all her “Chi” trainings as Tai Chi and Qigong always brings a relaxing, calm and yet rewarding healing experience. 

Throughout the years, Alicia has helped many individuals strengthen their balance, activate their inner healing energy, as well as release stress for the benefit of preventive care and overall wellness. 

Alicia was trained with well-known masters in both China and in the States since 2008. She was interviewed and featured in both the “Tai-Chi To Relieve Stress” article by the River Valley Ozark newspaper in 2010 and the “Tai-Chi for Silver Sneaker Fitness Program” article by the Blue and You magazine in Arkansas. 

Fun Fact

Alicia grew up in Malaysia. She finished both of her bachelor and master degrees at the University of Central Arkansas in 1997. She currently lives in Plano, Texas with her supportive husband, and is a mother of 2 grown adults. In her free time, she enjoys gardening, baking, reading and researching Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as an alternative method for self-care.